Hi there,

I’m Cindy, and I am the owner & artist behind Line Art by Cindy.

I have always been creative and artistic, my childhood is fluctuated with fond memories of cloud gazing, messy sketch books and the faint smell of graphite lead. I have suggestively poor eyesight, so I believe seeing shapes and limited details helped me see the world differently visually and had a positive impact when it came to drawing, but not so much for my driving or recognising people coming towards me… Drawing has always been my sweet escape, where time stands still, and my children go hungry.

I’m a self labelled introvert and borderline empath which means I feel my and your emotions intensely. Line Art for me has been therapeutic and I can channel all the emotion into the art. That is how I designed and created my signature heart-line, and I am very proud of all my designs. Line Art has also given me the opportunity to speak to beautiful women that share with me very intimate moments in their lives, such as their pregnancies, their newborns, their weddings and their loved ones that have passed on, or never met and are deeply missed. My heart has been overjoyed with your happy stories and broken with your not-so-happy stories, I feel very privileged when you share your journeys with me, and it gives the creative juices a bit of a kick-start too.

I am a “sometimes” fun Mum of three and I get to stay at home all day, and every day with my dramatic, bossy mini-me toddler (her nickname is C.C) who is currently converting my home into what resembles caveman interior with her very own version of “line art - junior”. I’m not sure how talented she is yet, I wouldn’t recommend her. My tribe is quirky, like me, and although it’s challenging, I wouldn’t have it any other way…most of the time. My eldest son is autistic and inspires me daily with his loyalty and ability to display perseverance, my second son is fabulously left-handed and is one of the cleverest, funniest, wittiest humans I have ever met and as for my youngest daughter, she is currently scaring the pants off me with her “strong, independent woman” attitude. Send back up, please!

I became a mother at 21, got married to my handsome, cycling obsessed, high school sweetheart at 25 and now I am 32. It all seems very fairy-tale like, except for the sex before marriage scandals. The last decade has been busy with not much time to spare but lots of time to grow. In the last 2 years I have lost both my grandmothers who I loved very much. I was very grateful I heard their ‘stories’ before they passed. My Gran’s wish for me was to continue my art, so I think she would be really proud of my little shop. Oh yes, she would most definitely be oversharing, embarrassingly and inappropriately to every person she ever met in past, present and future. I guess that’s my Mum’s job now. She is a super helpful, hands-on Nanna and of course, my number one fan.

Thank you so much for taking an interest in my art journey. I am really just bursting with creativity, and I’ve been inspired by all things maternity, paternity, motherhood and bridal. I’ve had such a fantastic response to my line art that I have been able to keep on expanding. In the very near future I am working on providing prints and framing services to complete your customer experience, but I cant get there without your continued support.

I am so excited to hear your family’s story and create a 100% made with love, guaranteed one-of-a kind image that is especially created for your family or loved ones to display proudly in the home. I hope you will love your art as much as I do creating it for years to come.

Love Cindy (& C.C.) xo.